
A ray of light pierced the clouds, it had been a time since the warmth was felt. The clouds as it were filled most days and while these days were pleasant they did not compare to the rays. It was not the additional light, one could turn on a lamp for that, or the temperature, a coat could keep one warm. It was the “Radiance” the invisible glow that comes with the rays. The warmth and light converge with radiance and together they are physically realized and produce a moment of pure joy.   That moment is akin to what one would expect a soul would transmit in a dream.  The radiance, is determined desire to please, when combined with the spirit become the physical feeling of love.  This moment of radiance is where the things of life are not important, and a space is created of safety, peace and love. It is then that one’s breath is taken away.  It is the memory of these moments that sustain me.

Brian McAuliff